With offices in nine major metropolitan areas, Receivership Specialists is the premier court receivership company in Southern California, Northern California, Nevada, and Arizona. We have been appointed by the courts in these areas to handle over 589 cases and have transitioned over $2,000,000,000.00 in assets.

The Professionals of Receivership Specialists: (from left to right) Sylvia Karlan, Elsa Abarca, Abraham Jinich, Louise Dawson, Phil Hernandez, Jeffrey Engerman, Joanne Byrd, Rick Marquis, Dan Woodard, Kevin Singer, Sandy Leon, John Rachlin, Jila Gharehbaghi, Scott Yahraus, Don Del Rio, David Kamm, Jeff Castillo, Pam Donner, CJ Gross, Jackie Angel, Ann Torrez, Mona Nikravesh
Founded in 2001 by Kevin Singer and John Rachlin, Receivership Specialists has led the field of court receivers and court referees in finding solutions and protecting and selling assets. Richard Marquis, David Kamm, and Scott Yahraus joined the team of Receivership Specialists, court-appointed court receivers, court-appointed court referees, and court-appointed partition referees in San Diego. This experienced group of professionals, and their support staff, are committed to protecting and improving the value of your real estate, business, or assets, at the lowest possible cost, while disputes are resolved and justice is served.